Micro Quiz #3

1. What is a quiz?

A quiz is set of ten questions to be answered in order that the person who administers the questions can determine if the person to whom the questions are administered knows the correct answers. Quizzes are most often found in schools (grades 1 through 6 only) but may also be found in magazines, newspapers, public washrooms, outer space, and, most notably, at QuizmakersPlus™. A quiz is slightly more fun than a test, slightly less fun than a gameshow, slightly more personal than a survey, slightly less personal than a questionnaire, slightly more academic than small talk, slightly less academic than an exam, slightly more serious than a collection of riddles, slightly less serious than the quest for the purpose of existence. Quizzes are administered for a variety of reasons. Most frequently, people use them to find out who their real friends are, to relieve stress, to cause stress, to advertise subliminally, or to quit drinking.